Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 14 yayınlandı.
Aşağıdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz:
Bu güncelleme ile birlikte gelen çözümler:
- KB 3132513 “The Delegates settings were not saved correctly” when you try to add a user to Exchange Server 2013 from Microsoft Outlook
- KB 3172017 “NotFound Export failed with error type: ‘NotFound'” error occurs when you perform an eDiscovery search in Exchange Server 2013
- KB 3176377 Links to access Exchange items in SharePoint eDiscovery search result fail with an HTTP error 500 in Exchange Server
- KB 3176540 OWA error reporting responds with a HTTP error 500 in OwaSerializationException
- KB 3176873 Can’t create a new profile or connect to Exchange Server 2013 when an organization contains many address lists
- KB 3061079 RPC Client Access service crashes and Event 4999 is logged in Exchange Server 2013
- KB 3134918 An IRM-protected message sent to an external contact isn’t returned in a search or discovery results when journaling is implemented in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
- KB 3190887 Upgrading Exchange Server causes the server to go offline unexpectedly